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Club Prizegiving: Sat 27 Sep

A reminder that at end of the school term we will be having the Hillcrest United Football Club prize-giving on Saturday 27th Sept in the Hillcrest Normal School Hall. All are welcome The timetable for the afternoon will be 2PM -2:45PM First Kicks 3 Teams 7th Grade 4 Teams 8th Grade 3 teams 2:45 – 3:15PM:   BBQ […]

5 aside tournament

Where: Jansen Park, Hamilton. When: 8th, 9th, 10th Grades – Saturday, 20th September 7th, 11th, Open Grade – Sunday, 21st September WaiBoP advise the following teams are confirmed as entered in the 5 aside. Payment of $70 per team should be made asap to the club bank a/c. Preferably online to Hillcrest United, Westpac:  03-1559-0044455-025 […]

Lost & Found

The items in the photograph were left at the park last Thursday. Thanks to Aaron (the groundsman) for collecting them for us. If any of this gear belongs to you please call David on 856 8844

Hillcrest United Football Club donates balls to Papua New Guinea

Rochelle Middleton & Betty-Anne Kamp In the year of the Football World Cup it seems only appropriate that rather than simply discarding balls that are near the end of their life, they are instead given a second chance in a country where even used balls are a luxury. Hillcrest United Football club (HUFC) has been […]

Soccer Boots For Sale

These boots and shin guards have been kindly donated to the club to be recycled through the club.  If you would like to view, try or purchase any of these boots or shin guards please email   Adidas Predator size US 6. Average Condition.  $10   Lotto size US children’s 13. Awesome Condition. $20 […]

Calling for coaches and managers

We now have 21 teams listed on our website but are still short of volunteers for Coaches in (nearly) all grades. Any team that does not have a Coach by Easter can not be entered into the WaiBOP competition. If you are able to, please seriously consider being a coach (or manager) for your child’s […]

Team Lists Available

The teams for grades 7 to open are now up on the websites Teams page. If your team doesn’t have a coach (or manager) listed and you can help, please contact us as soon as possible. WaiBoP rules require all teams to have a coach. And if you’ve not yet paid or registered, please help […]