Sunday 14th February – Hillcrest Normal School (Room TBC), 4pm
As we move into 2016 it is already time for us to be thinking about the upcoming football season. As such the Hillcrest Football club will be holding its AGM on Sunday 14th February. We encourage all of you who are interested in the future of our children’s football and the club to attend.
Prior to the AGM we are looking for nomination for committee members. Please feel free to respond to John ( or any other committee member if you wish to stand on the committee.
Positions available for nomination are open to any parent of a child registered at the club. We would really appreciate new members joining the committee, as we have a number of retiring committee members, and the club cannot function without new input.
» Club President
» Secretary
» Treasurer
» Equipment Manager
» Website Manager
» Committee Member(s)
Nominations need to be back to the committee by Sunday 7th February, all nominations will be emailed out to members prior to the AGM. The room at Hillcrest Normal School where the AGM will be held will be detailed later.
Muster will be the first and second weekends of March (6th and 13th); details of times for various grades will follow. Please watch our website also.
Teams will be announced before the end of March, goal posts will go up on Jansen first week of April, and this should allow a couple of weeks of training before school holidays start 15th April. The first game will be the first weekend of May.