5 aside tournament

Where: Jansen Park, Hamilton.

8th, 9th, 10th Grades – Saturday, 20th September
7th, 11th, Open Grade – Sunday, 21st September

WaiBoP advise the following teams are confirmed as entered in the 5 aside.

Payment of $70 per team should be made asap to the club bank a/c.
Preferably online to
Hillcrest United, Westpac:  03-1559-0044455-025
Payment reference:            5 ASIDE name-of-team(s).

Cheque option:
Payable to  HILLCREST UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB (writing “5 aside, grade XXX, Team YYY” on the back of the cheque) and post to The Secretary HUFC, PO Box 11028, Hamilton 3251.

Rules and TEAM REGISTRATION FORMS (needed on the day) are available on the WaiBoP website (under the Waikato section, Tournaments)   5 aside info

Hillcrest Open Ravens
Hillcrest Open Samurais
Hillcrest Open Thunder
Hillcrest Open Heat
Hillcrest Open Grizzlies
Hillcrest Open Rangers
Hillcrest Open Panthers
Hillcrest 11th Warriors
Hillcrest 11th Thunderbolts
Hillcrest 11th Thundercrackers
Hillcrest 11th Hawks
Hillcrest 10th SHIELD
Hillcrest 10th Penguins
Hillcrest 10th Zebras
Hillcrest 9th Rockets
Hillcrest 9th Wolverines
Hillcrest 9th Cobras
Hillcrest 8th Spitfires
Hillcrest 8th Jackals
Hillcrest 7th Lakers
Hillcrest 7th Stars


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