Girls’ and Women’s Week – 14th to 19th September

Waibop are planning to run a Girls’ and Women’s Week – this is a great opportunity for Mums and girls to get into coaching or refereeing.

Clubs rely on people volunteering to coach teams and now you can get an Introduction to Coaching qualification to help you be more confident in taking on a new role.  For those who want to advance to higher levels, there is a Club Based Referees course available as well.

There is also a Girl’s Summer League in the planning – more details below.

Girl’s and Women’s Week:

Date Event Venue Time Cost Registration links
Monday 14th Introduction to coaching course:The practical component to this course involve running a ‘girls-only’ 45min lunchtime session at a local primary school during girls and women’s week. Hamilton 4pm-6pm *start times may vary. $0 Waikato:
Tuesday 15th Primary/intermediate School fun football session Lunchtime
Wednesday 16th Primary/intermediate School fun football session Lunchtime
Junior level 1 coaching course – Female only Brian Perry Sports House, Hamilton 6pm-9pm $60
Thursday 17th Primary/intermediate School fun football session Lunchtime
Friday 18th Primary/intermediate School fun football session Lunchtime
Club Based Referee Course (CBR) – Female only. Brian Perry Sports House, Hamilton 6pm-8pm $30
Saturday 19th Waikato Junior 5-a-side – National Women’s league meet and greet. Jansen Park Times TBC – keep an eye out on Waibop website/Facebook page
Sunday 20th Waikato Junior 5-a-side – National Women’s league meet and greet. Jansen Park Times TBC – keep an eye out on Waibop website/Facebook page

Girls Summer League


Ages 5+, targeting females who are involved in other sports during the winter and existing footballers to increase their footballing hours.


Tuesday or Thursday or Friday (ground availability – to be advised)


The week of the 19th of October to the week of the 30th of November.


Weeks 1-6 is an ‘in hub’ league + week 7 is a inter hub festival.

Format=20mins skills, 2x20min games

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